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My research centers around social cognitive neuroscience, sleep, memory and memory-based decision making, using a combination of behavioral, computational modeling, neuroimaging (i.e., EEG), eye-tracking and mouse-tracking methods.

Some of the questions I am interested in include:

1. How do we learn from others? How do we form and update social knowledge, evaluation and attitudes?

2. How do we edit our memories during both waking and sleeping states and how do the memory editing change the decision making?

3. How do we transform and update unwanted memories, and how does (pro)social behavior interact with this process?

[Updated on August 5, 2024]

Danni CHEN

Ph.D. Candidate
Social and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
Department of Psychology
The University of Hong Kong


Twitter: @DanniChen9707
Address: Room 712, 7/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong

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